Bus Travel
Single Bus Fares
For information on Reading Buses new single fares from 1 January please visit their website.
For information on Thames Valley Buses new single fares from 1 January please visit their website.
For information on Carousel Buses fares new single fares from 1 January please visit their website.
Bus Travel Updates
We've recently updated our Wokingham Borough Public Transport Map & Guide which can be found under Related Downloads.
For updates on the latest bus services please visit the bus operators website:
Reading Buses visit: Reading Buses
Or download the Reading Buses app
Thames Valley Buses visit: Thames Valley Buses
Or download the Thames Valley Buses app
Horseman Coaches visit: Horseman Coaches
Carousel Buses visit: Carousel Buses
For information about School Buses visit: School Buses
Wokingham has a diverse bus network which provides short trips as well as longer distance journeys to places such as Henley, Marlow, Fleet and Farnborough. Links to all bus services operating within the borough are provided under Local Buses.
Try a train and bus workshop
Optalis have produced a short video offering people the opportunity to gain experience and confidence on using public transport.
Bus Passenger Charter
As part of the collaborative work between local bus operators and the Council, a passenger charter has now been agreed. The passenger charter sets out what passengers can expect from local bus services in the borough. This is the first passenger charter for the borough. The Council will engage with local community groups on future revisions. The Bus Passenger Charter can be found under Related Downloads.