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Modeshift STARS

To help schools promote sustainable travel among pupils, parents and staff, My Journey works with Modeshift to provide a step by step platform for creating and monitoring travel plans.  A travel plan is a strategic document that sets out how a school will promote sustainable travel.  The Modeshift STARS online platform gives schools a simple to follow template for their travel plan.  For more information about Modeshift STARS, how to register and other helpful tips click here.

Modeshift STARS Webinar

Modeshift STARS ran a webinar for us which some of our schools attended to show you how to get started on the Modeshift STARS platform.  If you would like to watch the webinar please click here.

Supporting Documents

The following supporting documents can be found under Related Downloads:

  • Modeshift STARS Accreditation Checklist
  • Initiatives - Pocket Guide
  • Linking Modeshift STARS to the National Curriculum
  • Guide to the Initiatives and Consultation
  • Quick Start Guide for Modeshift STARS

Become a Modeshift STARS Active and Sustainable Travel Champion 

Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people. 

Modeshift STARS offers a nationally recognised system of accreditation. 

There are five levels:

  • Approved Travel Travel (Green)
  • Good Travel Plan (Bronze)
  • Very Good Travel Plan (Silver)
  • Excellent Travel Plan (Gold)
  • Outstanding Travel Plan (Platinum)

The Council offers rewards for schools that achieve a new accreditation or reach the next level for bronze and above. Schools can apply for up to £2,000 in grant funding for each level.  The funding must be used to promote sustainable travel. 

A champion is required to run the Modeshift STARS scheme in each school - this can be a teacher, parent or governor.  If you would like to champion Modeshift STARS in your child’s school, please talk to the school and/or contact us

Modeshift STARS Awards

Each year local authorities can nominate schools for the regional Modeshift STARS awards.  For the South East region, these take place in November.

Available awards are:

  • School of the Region
  • School of the Local Authority

The Hawthorns Primary School in Wokingham won Local Authority STARS School of the Year 2023/24 at the Modeshift STARS South East Regional Awards for its excellent work on their school travel plan.