Bikeability Level 1/2 - Cycling Skills for Children:
Bikeability helps children become confident cyclists on the roads. All primary and junior schools in Wokingham borough offer Bikeability training during school time. The Department for Transport currently funds this training through a Bikeability grant.
During the training, children will cover both Bikeability Level 1 and 2, which are combined. The courses begin in safe areas like playgrounds or car parks. They progress to quiet local roads. By the third session, children will be cycling on roads with more traffic.
To participate in the training, children usually need to meet the following criteria:
- Be 10 years or older by 31 August 2025;
- Know how to ride a bike proficiently;
- Own a bike that's in good condition for road cycling and wear a cycle helmet.
Would you like to take it to the next level?
People who have completed Bikeability Level 2 and feel confident cycling might want to try Bikeability Level 3. Level 3 training teaches you how to cycle on more challenging roads and traffic situations. This might include complex junctions and busy roundabouts.
Bikeability Level 3:
To be eligible for Level 3, you need to meet the following conditions:
- Be 11 years or older by 31 August 2025;
- Have already passed Bikeability Level 2;
- Have experience cycling on your own in traffic;
- Have a roadworthy bike suitable for road cycling. Mountain bikes, hybrids, or road bikes are fine, but not BMX-type bikes without gears;
- Wear a cycle helmet.
For more information about our next Level 3 course, please get in touch with us.
Holiday Courses
Avanti Cycling organises Bikeability holiday courses. You can find the details on Avanti's website.